An Army of Davids Supports Ukraine

Vladimir Putin underestimated Ukraine, and the world, when he decided to invade Ukraine. He was wrong about Ukraine’s resistance, he was wrong about NATO’s willingness to support Ukraine, and he obviously didn’t anticipate that individuals around the world would use the Internet to join in making donations, large and small, to support Ukraine.
Many individuals who were horrified to see Russia invade Ukraine have connected online to raise funds, make in-kind donations, or coordinate support for their Ukrainian counterparts. Social media and influencers, people who are adept at connecting people, have been instrumental in this effort – and we can continue to use the technology at our fingertips to spread awareness, donate, and support Ukraine.
Like countless other pro-Ukraine influencers, an Englishman called Gary McGill has connected people to have an important impact.
Gary McGill
McGill started out as an inventor—his patents involving ice cream pod dispensing technology have resulted in at least a billion dollars in total consumer spending. As a social media influencer with a following of a quarter of a million people, he’s also making an impact on Russia’s war on Ukraine.
As a connector, McGill has arranged for cooperation and support between the American and Ukrainian police “faster than anyone thought possible,” according to a member of the Ukrainian police.
Support for the Ukrainian police is exceptionally important to the war effort because Ukrainian police play critical roles in supporting their military. Many Ukrainian police sharpshooters take on Russian forces head-on when Ukraine is liberating an occupied area. Ukrainian police also de-mine the newly liberated areas and document Russian war crimes. One officer of the Kyiv Region Police reports that they have recorded at least 52,000 such incidents so far.
Through contacts that McGill was able to arrange, American police are now in frequent Zoom contact with their Ukrainian counterparts. During these Zooms, the American police learn what’s needed, and then, when possible, they find surplus items to donate, or use their purchasing power to buy needed items at significantly discounted prices.
McGill’s efforts have also resulted in police car donations to replace ones that the invaders destroyed, warm clothing for police, including underwear and gloves, and donation of tactical flashlights that have increased battery capabilities – essential as the country faces rolling blackouts and sustained attacks to their power grid.
McGill has also been coordinating with a number of businesses. He has forged connections with companies such as Todd Research, a seventy-year-old UK company specializing in security scanners. According to McGill, the business “has committed to start shipping out essential security scanners in the first quarter of 2023. They already supply scanners to British Embassies across the globe and they are extremely keen to get behind the Ukraine effort.”
Another organization working with McGill is Bloodstone. Headed by ex-American special forces, they’re working on bringing in revolutionary medical systems for the front line. Bloodstone has already separately supplied about a million dollars’ worth of medical supplies to Ukraine,” says McGill.
As a connector, McGill is also working with the non-profit Project Apollo. “This organization,” he points out, “has conducted more than one hundred extraction operations to bring back nearly four hundred people (primarily women, children, disabled and maimed), along with delivering critical supplies (medical, generators, food, etc).” Project Apollo founders Ben Scott and Ryland Harding are both ex-British Army, and McGill is working to help them with funding so they can maintain operations.
A final example of the function of McGill as a connector is his work with Amulus, a market leader in bullet proof containers designed to protect from small arms fire, blasts, and mortar fire. “Amulus is actively working with the Ukrainian Government and its Military,” explains McGill. “to define their military needs as well as the need for humanitarian protection and protection of civilians. Their chairman is Maj Gen (Retd) John Holmes, former director of UK Special Forces.”
Each of these organizations, and the people that run them, make up the army of Davids fighting against the Goliath of Putin and his Russian forces.
McGill knows that he’s just one of countless influencers. However, he knows that in wars in the past, supporters couldn’t instantly find each other. This year, they can. Watch out, Vladimir Putin. An Army of Davids is after you!

War Correspondent Mitzi Perdue writes from and about Ukraine. She is the Co-Founder of, an on-line program that will begin providing online mental health support in Ukraine, available on-line, free, 24/7.