How Journalists Can Tailor Pitches for Written, Audio, and Visual Formats

How Journalists Can Tailor Pitches for Written, Audio, and Visual Formats

The choice of storytelling format is critical in today’s rapidly evolving media environment. It is important to acknowledge that each medium carries its own distinct norms and audience anticipation. The decision of how to deliver a journalist’s story extends further than skill display; it profoundly impacts how the reporting resonates, spreads, and remains in the collective memory of the audience.

By strategically choosing the most suitable format, journalists not only enhance the effectiveness of the storytelling but also ensure that the message reaches and captivates their target audience in the most impactful manner possible.


Tailoring a reporter’s message to their audience is crucial for a successful pitch. Understanding the target audience's interests to increase the relevance and appeal of the journalist’s content. Additionally, deeply understanding their own podcast is essential. They should identify their niche, target audience and unique value proposition, such as exclusive interviews, or innovative storytelling approaches, to distinguish themselves from similar content. 

Rowena Henley, a producer and development producer at Mags Creative, stresses the importance of individual journalists focusing their efforts on uncovering remarkable stories rather than adhering to repetitive formats like weekly talk shows. These unique narratives are more likely to attract attention. The aim is to guide listeners through a compelling story with a clear structure including a beginning, middle, and end, featuring engaging characters, events, and unexpected twists.


Just as with other types of journalism pitches, before pitching photography stories to editors, journalists must define their niche and target audience. They should determine their specialization, preferred topics, and themes, and align them with publications or platforms that resonate with their style and vision. Another integral element of a successful pitch lies in crafting a compelling bio that authentically portrays the photojournalist's identity, achievements, and capabilities, showcasing what they have accomplished and what they can offer to a publication. Furthermore, photojournalists must dedicate time to acquaint themselves with the publication they are aiming to pitch.

Armenian photographer Anush Babajanyan, a National Geographic Explorer and recipient of the 2019 Canon Female Photojournalist Grant, emphasizes the perseverance required in pitching. Acknowledging the challenges of repeated rejections, she advises understanding the publication's preferences, crafting concise story explanations, and emphasizing the timeliness of the narrative.

Feature Articles and Newsletters

For freelancers pitching feature articles, success hinges on emphasizing the story's relevance and timeliness. A compelling angle is important along with fresh insights and addressing existing issues. Effective pitches should answer key questions about the story's significance and timing. Preliminary research is advised along with outlining reporting plans and incorporating relevant bylines to enhance credibility.

Research is key for newsletter pitches. It is of the utmost importance to subscribe to the newsletters the journalist is pitching and regularly read them—whether daily or weekly, depending on their publication schedule. It is in their best interest to familiarize themselves with the newsletter's niche, audience demographics, and editorial style. Monitoring the topics they cover and how they present information to cater to their readers' preferences will go a long way.

This understanding is crucial in identifying the target reporter and tailoring the pitch effectively. Journalists should also demonstrate their story's value to the newsletter's readership. They need to explain how their pitch addresses a problem, offers insights, or provides actionable takeaways. It is beneficial to display the benefits subscribers will gain from engaging with their content.