One Important Way to Build Media Trust During Elections: Live-Blogging

As 2024 unfolds, marking what many consider the most significant election year in history, media outlets face the challenge of maintaining accurate, reliable, and trustworthy reporting in an era of declining trust. With elections across the globe involving half of the world's population, the stakes are high, and the media's role in shaping political discourse is more critical than ever.

The backdrop to this electoral frenzy is a media landscape grappling with a trust deficit. The 2023 Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute highlighted a concerning trend: only 40% of respondents trust the news most of the time. In the UK, trust levels hit alarming lows, with nine percent of individuals completely disengaged from the news, and 30% admitting to minimal trust.

Social media's ascendancy as a primary news source further complicates the situation. With 30% of respondents relying on platforms like Facebook and Twitter for news, the rapid dissemination of information, whether accurate or not, poses a significant challenge to media credibility.

Enter liveblogs – a dynamic and effective solution to combat misinformation during elections. Providing short, real-time updates, liveblogs offer 'snackable' content that rivals social media's accessibility. Crucially, they enable journalists to distinguish between confirmed and unconfirmed reports, maintaining transparency and mitigating the risk of spreading unverified information.

Leading news organizations, such as Germany's Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Austrian Press Agency, have successfully integrated liveblogs with fact-checking initiatives. This approach ensures credible reporting and enhances transparency for news audiences.

Live Q&A sessions and expert interviews provide another layer of depth to election coverage. German public broadcaster MDR, for instance, navigated the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis by directly engaging with its audience. Encouraging readers to pose questions in the liveblog's comment section, MDR built trust by offering direct access to neutral and knowledgeable professionals.

User-generated content (UGC) plays a crucial role in fostering engagement and inclusivity. By curating and verifying UGC, media outlets not only involve their audience in the reporting process but also establish a sense of community. This collaborative approach helps build trust and strengthens the relationship between the media and its audience.

Incorporating interactive elements such as polls, videos, and live comment blocks further enhances the reporting experience. These features, reminiscent of social media dynamics, keep the audience engaged and informed while aligning with their expectations.