What Climate Models Have Misjudged About Plants' Water Conservation Response

What Climate Models Have Misjudged About Plants' Water Conservation Response

As climate change continues to shape our planet, accurate Earth system models are crucial for predicting its impact. However, recent research reveals a significant flaw in existing models, potentially leading to inaccurate climate projections. The study, conducted by J. K. Green and colleagues and published in AGU Advances, highlights a critical miscalculation related to the way plants respond to moisture availability.

Improved understanding of how plants respond to changing moisture conditions will be crucial in developing more reliable Earth system models, providing policymakers and the public with more precise insights into the potential impacts of climate change.

Plants play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing water vapor through their stomata, tiny pores on their leaves. In times of drought, these pores close to conserve water, reducing the plant's carbon dioxide uptake. Earth system models, which simulate complex interactions within our environment, heavily rely on accurate representations of such processes.

The research indicates that existing models are underestimating the impact of moisture availability on stomatal conductance—the process through which plants exchange carbon, water, and energy with the atmosphere. Stomatal conductance is crucial for understanding how plants respond to changing environmental conditions.

To evaluate Earth system model performance, the team utilized a combination of surface and near-surface air temperature data from satellites and observation-based reanalysis data. They specifically focused on estimating global canopy conductance, representing the total stomatal conductance of leaves in a canopy.

Surprisingly, the findings revealed a substantial underestimation of canopy conductance's response to changes in moisture availability—approximately 33% on average and up to 50% in certain regions. The most affected areas were semiarid and subhumid regions, including savannas, croplands, and grasslands, where temperatures ranged from 5°C to 25°C.

The core issue lies in the models' failure to accurately adjust canopy conductance as soil moisture levels fluctuate. Since canopy conductance significantly influences atmospheric carbon, energy, and water movement, this misrepresentation can lead to substantial errors in climate projections, particularly during drought conditions.